Who are we


Baltnav is active in Handysize to Ultramax segments and with a worldwide reach. Through our background we have a strong focus on Continent, Mediterranean/Black Sea, East Coast South America, Australia and Far East.

We have offices in two locations, Copenhagen and Singapore. We believe in the value of teaming up with the right people and we are therefore choosing our locations based on where we believe value can be added and the right team in place.

We are at any given time handling about 55-65 vessels worldwide but with a very scalable organization and setup we are posed for growth opportunities.

We constantly strive to offer highly professional, flexible and competitive solutions to our partners and clients.


    Through an innovative approach to the challenges posed by our partners and clients, we have developed a strong strategy based on short term contracts and highly flexible conditions.

    With above in mind, we aim to develop further partnerships with clients and partners to further support our future growth.